两个术语均为“连带责任”,指数人共同负责同一债务,而对债权人各负清偿全部债务的义务,债权人可对债务人中的一人或数人直至全体同时或先后请求全部清偿,如一个债务人清偿全部债务,其他债务人也对原债权人免除责任,此时负责偿还全部债务者有向其他债务人请求偿还应分担部分的权利[1]。solidarity liability (也称为 liability in solid)和 joint and several liability的主要区别在于前者为大陆法系(civil law)之术语,而后者则是英美法系(common law)中所适用的术语。同样,solidarity obligation (连带债务)也是罗马法或大陆法系之术语,而相对的英美法系的术语则是joint and several obligation[2]。[1] " Liability that may be apportioned either among two or parties or to only one or a few select members of the group, at the adversary's discretion. " Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7tk edition, at p. 926,West Group (1999).[2] " Solidarity liability. Civil law. This is equivalent to joint and several liability in the common law. " Id. at p. 926;" in the civil law of Louisiana:liability that is shared by obligators and that makes any one obligator liable for the entire obligation to the obligee but also apportions the liability among the obligators so that contribution is allowed. ”Cf. Linda Pacard Wood,Merriam Websters Dictionary of Law,at p. 291 , Merriam-Webster, Incorporated (1996).